Home Conflict of interests Interested deputies should not participate in the process of authentic interpretation of the LPP

Interested deputies should not participate in the process of authentic interpretation of the LPP


As announced by the Spokesperson for the Parliamentary Bench of the Frelimo party, Edmundo Galiza Matos Júnior to “Jornal Notícias” in the December 4, 2012 edition – p. 6, the majority bench in the current legislature (2009 – 2014) may request the Assembly of the Republic (AR) for the authentic or legislative interpretation of the Law of Public Probity (LPP), which has been a source of controversy regarding its meaning and immediate reach.

This procedure proves to be the most correct and sensible (although we continue to believe that the LPP is clear in its principles and foundations). However, it is necessary to call attention so that the law is not violated and especially what is at the base of the institute that regulates situations of conflict of interest. That is, in case the mentioned caucus uses the act they propose, it is necessary to ensure that certain deputies (already known and identified) do not participate in any legislative process that leads to the interpretation of this law, as they have a direct interest in that the interpretation be made in one sense or the other, but always for their benefit.

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