Home Public finances PUBLIC DEBT DISASTER IN MOZAMBIQUE: Will the government continue to act on the basis of a lack of transparency?

PUBLIC DEBT DISASTER IN MOZAMBIQUE: Will the government continue to act on the basis of a lack of transparency?

</img>PUBLIC DEBT DISASTER IN MOZAMBIQUE: Will the government continue to act on the basis of a lack of transparency?

In recent weeks, Mozambique has been making headlines in the world's major economic newspapers due to the economic situation and the external debt. Within its area of research on public expenditure, CIP intends to produce several notes with the aim of promoting a responsible and informed public debate on the topic of external debt. In view of the facts so far reported through the international media and the press releases of the Mozambican government, the CIP urges the Government, regardless of the discussions in Washington, to immediately inform the Mozambican citizen of the factual situation of the issues that have arisen around the debt , through an exhaustive explanation of the EMATUM/ ProIndicus debts, and any others that may exist.

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