Home Contratação Pública Concession of Infrastructure for lNG Logistics In Palma Multinationals negotiate contracts with serious implications for the State

Concession of Infrastructure for lNG Logistics In Palma Multinationals negotiate contracts with serious implications for the State

</img>Concession of Infrastructure for lNG Logistics In Palma Multinationals negotiate contracts with serious implications for the State

As empresas multinacionais de pesquisa e exploração de gás natural na Bacia do Rovuma, lideradas pela americana Anadarko (área 1) e italiana Eni (área 4), estão a negociar com o Governo moçambicano contratos de concessão do Terminal Marítimo de Gás Natural Liquefeito (TMG-LNG) e de Instalação de Descarga de Materiais (Material Offloading Facility – MOF).

These are fundamental infrastructures for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) logistics. However, the contractual terms proposed by the concessionaires are problematic, with enormous potential to compromise the economic development that is expected to be generated by gas exploration in Palma. In December 2014, Anadarko and Eni ensured very generous special conditions in the exploration of gas in the Rovuma Basin, through the special Decree1 applicable to the Liquefied Natural Gas project. Now, multinationals move towards the materialization of the achieved benefits, through respective contracts.

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