Home Anti-corruption Mozambique can now refuse to pay the hidden debt, analysts say, and would gain from it

Mozambique can now refuse to pay the hidden debt, analysts say, and would gain from it

</img>Mozambique can now refuse to pay the hidden debt, analysts say, and would gain from it

Detenções e novas evidências de suborno mudaram totalmente a situação em torno da dívida oculta de US $ 2 bilhões. Os analistas dizem cada vez mais que Moçambique deveria simplesmente dizer que a dívida é ilegal e não será paga – e que houve benefícios significativos, em particular a melhoria das relações com o FMI.

We first recap the story of the hidden debt. We then look at the IMF and how Mozambique would benefit from a public refusal to pay. Third, we look at what analysts are saying. Finally, we note that any legal action to enforce payment of the debt will take place at the London Supreme Court and we explain why the position has completely changed since the Government of Mozambique received legal advice from London lawyers several years ago.

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