Home Hidden Debts Mozambican government pays fees of more than 100 million meticais to South African lawyers in the “Chang case”

Mozambican government pays fees of more than 100 million meticais to South African lawyers in the “Chang case”

</img>Mozambican government pays fees of more than 100 million meticais to South African lawyers in the “Chang case”

The decision of the Mozambican government to enter the dispute for the extradition, to Mozambique, of the former finance minister, Manuel Chang, is costing millions of meticais to the state coffers. Since July 2019, the Government has paid at least 23 million rand (more than 100 million meticais) to the law firm "Mabunda Incorporated Attorneys At Law”, South African law firm representing the Attorney General's Office in South African courts in the Chang case.

O Centro de Integridade Pública (CIP) é contra a pretensão do Governo moçambicano de extraditar Manuel Chang para Moçambique. Entende que Manuel Chang deve ser extraditado e julgado nos EUA e, posteriormente, transferido para Moçambique, onde também poderá ser julgado. O CIP defende que a Procuradoria – Geral da República deve desistir de tentar extraditar Manuel Chang para Moçambique e concentrar esforços na recuperação de activos das dívidas ocultas e na investigação e acusação dos arguidos já detidos em Moçambique.

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