Home Hidden Debts Started trial of hidden debts in England

Started trial of hidden debts in England

</img>Started trial of hidden debts in England

 – O CIP, que sempre defendeu o não pagamento das dívidas ocultas, congratula-se com o início do julgamento e apela a justiça do Reino Unido a lembrar-se dos cidadãos pobres moçambicanos que ficaram mais empobrecidos com o esquema fraudulento das dívidas ocultas.

The High Court of Justice of England began today, Tuesday, with the hearings of the parties who respond in the process of hidden debts, in which the Mozambican State asks for the cancellation of sovereign guarantees issued by the then Minister of Finance Manuel Chang, to make the ProIndicus debt, in the amount of USD 622,000,000 (six hundred and twenty-two million US dollars), contracted with Credit Suisse in 2013.

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