Home Anti-corruption Corruption in the National Migration Directorate: An Underworld of Organized Crime

Corruption in the National Migration Directorate: An Underworld of Organized Crime

Corrupção na direcção nacional da Migração: Um submundo do crime organizado

In recent months, the Mozambican media have frequently reported cases of detention of immigrants entering the country illegally, from various corners of the globe. Undocumented entry into the country denotes a very serious vulnerability of our borders, but it also suggests, as in the case of the dozens of Bengalis detained a few months ago in Maputo, that Mozambican migration authorities abroad and at border posts use this foreign appetite for Mozambique. as a source of revenue collection. This is a part of reality, upstream. What many Mozambicans still don't know is that downstream, in the Migration sectors that deal with issuing passports and residence documents, there is also an underworld of forgery, corruption and crime, a web that ends up fueling organized crime. The CIP penetrated these networks and here portrays the mechanisms of corruption in the National Directorate of Migration.

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