Home Anti-corruption Arbitrary Choice of Lawsuits for Dispatch and Violation of Access to Justice

Arbitrary Choice of Lawsuits for Dispatch and Violation of Access to Justice

Escolha Arbitrária de Processos Judiciais para Despacho e Violação do Acesso à Justiça

The courts, as State bodies created to settle disputes arising from social relations, must be accessible to all citizens who need to sue them, with a view to resolving

their disputes. Since the right to appeal to the courts in acts that violate their rights is recognized, citizens must see their cases resolved within a period of time that does not delay justice and turn into an injustice or denial of justice.

It turns out that one of the major problems that citizens face in the courts in Mozambique is the late solution of cases they brought, caused by the choice, without objective criteria, of legal proceedings to be processed, not obeying their order of precedence at the entrance, which constitutes a touchy factor in the action of the judiciary.

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