Home Anti-corruption Public Manager Statute Does Not Obligate the Reinstatement of Diodino Cambaza Enabling Ethical Considerations

Public Manager Statute Does Not Obligate the Reinstatement of Diodino Cambaza Enabling Ethical Considerations

Estatuto do Gestor Público Não Obriga a Reintegração de Diodino Cambaza Possibilitando Considerações de Ordem Ética

Although disciplinary proceedings were not opened against Diodino Cambaza at the time he was indicted for crimes of corruption and which harmed the State in millions of Meticais, there is no legal obligation for the company Aeroportos de Moçambique to reinstate him. so, what if it happens, how it happened, can only be to cover up interests.

It is recalled that in the trial of the “Airports of Mozambique case” that led to the conviction of Cambaza, the then Director of the Central School of the Frelimo Party, Arlindo Chilundo, who is the current governor of Niassa province, would have said that he received a offer in terms of donation from Cambaza for the rehabilitation of that school.

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