Home Announcements PGR to share final audit report with the public as promised and follow up on auditor recommendations

PGR to share final audit report with the public as promised and follow up on auditor recommendations

PGR deve partilhar relatório final de auditoria com o público como prometido e dar seguimento às recomendações do auditor

The final independent audit report on the debts illegally contracted by ProIndicus, EMATUM and Mozambique Asset Management is now available, but strangely, the Attorney General's Office is selectively sharing it with certain entities and hiding it from the public, contrary the promises made at the end of June, when it indicated that the full report would be published 3 months after that date.

The final report has 249 pages (English version), contains more details that are not included in the executive summary published on the website of the Attorney General's Office on 23 June. The final version presents technical recommendations that the PGR, as the entity that commissioned the audit, must make to follow up the case.

See the full release

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