Home Anti-corruption Acquisition of data capture kits without tender INATTER's illegal business did not solve the problem of the quality of services provided

Acquisition of data capture kits without tender INATTER's illegal business did not solve the problem of the quality of services provided

Aquisição de kits de captação de dados sem concurso Negócio ilegal do INATTER não resolveu problema da qualidade de serviços prestados

The National Institute of Land Transport (INATTER) acquired for 3.4 million meticais three equipment kits to collect data from candidates for obtaining a driving license. The equipment was acquired without a public tender, in violation of Decree No. 5/2016 of 8 March, with the justification that there was an urgent need to replace damaged equipment and solve the problem of flooding in the drivers' office in Maputo City. One year after the deal was made, the problem that INATTER proposed to solve still prevails.

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