Home Anti-corruption On Illegal Debts: PGR Communiqué presents a set of nullities

On Illegal Debts: PGR Communiqué presents a set of nullities

Sobre Dívidas Ilegais: Comunicado da PGR apresenta um conjunto de nulidades

The statement published by the Attorney General's Office (PGR), related to the contracting of illegal debts, with No. 01/PGR/GC/012.3/2018, does not bring new material, but that already well known, referring to the intervention of other entities, namely an external one, which has to do with some of the conclusions contained in the report produced by Kroll Associates Uk, Ltd and the report of the Parliamentary Inquiry Commission (CPI) of the Assembly of the Republic.

The only fact brought to the public and which is of little or no relevance to the neuralgic issue that is intended to be addressed is: the fact that a complaint was submitted to the Administrative Court (TA) with a view to the financial accountability of public managers and companies participated by the State involved in the process of contracting illegal debts. This fact serves to give the public the perception, in fact erroneous, that measures are being taken with a view to holding the managers and public entities involved in the fraud to account.

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