Home Extractive industry Rovuma Basin Natural Gas: The Government must take measures to protect the economy from the oil price drop and avoid negative scenario

Rovuma Basin Natural Gas: The Government must take measures to protect the economy from the oil price drop and avoid negative scenario

Gás Natural da Bacia do Rovuma:  O Governo deve tomar medidas para proteger a economia da queda do preço do Petróleo e evitar cenário negativo

Gas exploration in the Rovuma basin is seen as the activity that will boost Mozambique's economy in the coming years. Projections referring to investments, exports and icaretions so far arethe foundationin these major projects.

However, this industrystria faces major challenges worldwide as a result of the pandemic gives COVID-19. CIP'sDespite the agreement signed in mid-April between oil-producing countries and their allies (OPEC+) with a view to reducing production to protect and stabilize the sector, the price dropped to negative levels. This situation take the CIP predicting a sceneblack riverasset for the future for the economy if the Government does not anticipate measures aimed at protecting the Mozambican economy.

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