Home Announcements CIP, CARE and KUWUKA JDA announce collaboration in defense of communities affected by exploitation of extractive resources

CIP, CARE and KUWUKA JDA announce collaboration in defense of communities affected by exploitation of extractive resources

CIP, CARE e KUWUKA JDA anunciam colaboração em defesa das comunidades afectadas pela exploração de recursos extractivos

On the 15th of July of this year, the Public Integrity Center (CIP) signed the memorandum of understanding with KUWUKA- Youth Development and Environmental Advocacy and with CARE International in Mozambique, representing the Civil Society Alliance against the Usurpation of Land in Mozambique (ASCUT) for the implementation of joint activities in the area of extractive industry.

The three organizations have committed to carrying out joint studies and research in areas related to the extractive industry with the aim of generating evidence for an informed dialogue with the government, private sector and other relevant actors. The focus of these studies will particularly be on the issues of resettlement of communities affected by the exploitation of extractive resources and transfer of funds to communities within the 2.75 percent range.

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