Home Anti-corruption Central Anti-Corruption Office to Develop and Implement a Anti-Corruption Plan for the Context of Covid's Pandemic – 19

Central Anti-Corruption Office to Develop and Implement a Anti-Corruption Plan for the Context of Covid's Pandemic – 19

Gabinete Central de Combate à Corrupção Deve Elaborar e Implementar um Plano de Combate à Corrupção Para o Contexto da Pandemia da Covid – 19

The Central Office for Combating CorrupWn (GCCC) presented the state of play regarding the fight against corruption in 2020, through the spokesman of the aforementioned institution, Estevão Mondlane, who said that the Covid – 19 pandemic aggravated the numbers of corruption.Wnot in the country. In this sense, he referred to that magistrate that: "The cost of corruptionWdoes not continue violent in the administrationWpublic action (...). Only in 2020, the loss of corruptionWwas not 1.3 billion, which was diverted from the Or.WState funding for the benefit of public administrators. This damage was more evident in the context of the pandemic, which showed weaknesses in our social infrastructure.

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