Home Anti-corruption There is a lack of clarity in the definition of the matters to be reviewed in the penal code and the official versions for the debate are unknown.

There is a lack of clarity in the definition of the matters to be reviewed in the penal code and the official versions for the debate are unknown.

Falta Clareza na Definição das Matérias a Rever no Código Penal e Não se Conhecem as Versões Oficiais para o Debate.

Since the beginning of the debate on what has come to be called the "Anti-Corruption Legislative Package", the respective process has been shrouded in inaccuracies and without the necessary clarity for a broad participation of citizens in the debate on matters that should be subject to total review and others update. Total revision because the first ones are found to be in disuse for the time that has elapsed since the approval of the current Penal Code - CP (applied in Mozambique since 1929) and the second because they are losing effectiveness (although often applicable) given the improvement of the ways in which some are committed. types of criminal offenses and also the need to criminalize certain behaviors associated with such offenses and that are becoming commonplace.

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