Home Extractive industry THIRD ROUND PUBLIC CONSULTATIONS IN PALMA: There is no transparency, poorly informed communities and apathetic government

THIRD ROUND PUBLIC CONSULTATIONS IN PALMA: There is no transparency, poorly informed communities and apathetic government

TERCEIRA RONDA DE CONSULTAS PÚBLICAS EM PALMA: Não há transparência, comunidades mal informadas e Governo apático

In the week of 18 to 22 August, the third round of public consultations took place with communities affected by the project to produce liquefied natural gas (LNG) by the American multinationals Anadarko and Italian Eni, in the Afungi peninsula, Rovuma Basin , district of Palma, in Cabo Delgado. The way in which the public consultations with the communities are taking place highlights serious irregularities that, if not remedied in a timely manner, could generate future conflicts and harm both the communities of Palma, as well as this, which is an important project for development. development of the national natural gas industry.

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