Home PPP Project to Strengthen Primary Health Care in Mozambique

Project to Strengthen Primary Health Care in Mozambique

Projecto de Reforço de Cuidados de Saúde Primários em Moçambique

The purpose of this mission is to analyze procurement and contract management based on samples. In this mission, the processes of acquisition of goods and services at the Ministry of Health (MISAU) and at the Center for Medicines and Medical Articles and Medicines (CMAM) were evaluated in order to determine whether these entities are guided by economy, efficiency and good application of the cash.

The review was based on a triangulation of data sources, data collection, consultations and preparation of the audit report. The current report for 2017 is based on a sample of 31 contracts at MISAU and 19 at CMAM. The total sample represents 33% in number and 63% in value of contracts.

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